Scottish Referendum contribution
Blog post: Scottish referendum: Is it insulting to try to get the question right? syndicated by Research Live and the Huffington Post
Contribution: Scottish Affairs Select Committee on the Scottish referendum methodology - written evidence
Blog post: Could a Professional Researcher Ask the Scottish Referendum Question? syndicated by Research Live and the Huffington Post
Ruthless Research resources
I have written hundreds of research reports during my career, but due to the nature of my work this is typically commissioned for internal use only and most of my clients do not circulate the outputs more widely. However, I try to maintain details of my publicly available work below:
Final report: Youth Theatre Census (2025)
Final report: Evaluation of the DISN Skills Exchange Programme (2024)
Summary: SAU Membership Survey Report 2023 (2024)
Final report: Evaluation of the Erskine Artists’ Residency 2021-23 (2024)
Case study: Coming to our senses project evaluation (2023)
Final report: Evaluation of the Inverclyde Culture Collective (2023)
Final report: Evaluation of Windrush 75 the Windrush Day Grant Scheme 2023 (2023)
Final report / summary: Youth theatre in Scotland sector review 2023
Summary report: Music in Hospitals & Care's Music for Mental Health and Wellbeing Impact Report (2023)
Final report: Evaluation of the Windrush Day Grant Scheme 2022 (2023)
Final report: Literature Alliance Scotland's The experience of being a freelancer in the Scottish literature, languages and publishing sector (2022)
Final report: A Review of Fair Work in the Arts, Screen and Creative Industries in Scotland (with Culture Radar) (2022)
Resource: Scottish Recovery Network's What makes engagement meaningful? (2022)
Final report: Scottish Recovery Network's A chance for change (2022)
Final report: CABN EVOLVE evaluation (2022)
Final report: Young Audiences Group Research Project Report (2022)
Summary report: One Parent Families Scotland's Financial pressures facing Lone Parents omnibus (2022)
Final report: Evaluation of the Challenging Violence Against Women project (2021)
Resource: Angus Cultural Strategy (with Culture Radar) (2020)
Final report: Current use of equalities, diversity and inclusion data in the youth theatre sector (2020)
Report referenced: Transform: End of Programme Summary, Lloyds Bank Foundation (2020)
Final report: Meaningful connections - peer support in the digital space (2020)
Final report: What's next for recovery? (2020)
Final report: Evaluation of SCAN's Art in Action campaign (2020)
Final report: Evaluation of the CHANGE project (2020)
Resource: Let's do Peer2Peer (2020)
Summary: Youth theatre in Scotland sector review (2020)
Final report: Evaluation of Luminate and Starcatchers Artfelt pilot project (2019)
Various reports: Creative words for wellbeing (2019)
Final report: Evaluation of Luminate's Bandrum arts pilot project (2019)
Final report: Evaluation of the Engage Scotland Celebrate Art project (2019)
Final report: Creative activities in Scottish care settings (2018)
Final report: The impact of Brexit on the arts sector in Scotland (2018)
Summary: Connecting Scotland's sounds (2018)
Final report (in blog form): Evaluation of the Unlimited International programme (2018)
Final report: Women’s experience of consent during pregnancy and delivery (2017)
Final report: Mapping of youth theatre provision in Scotland (2015)
Final report: Evaluation of the Traditional Music Forum (2011)
Executive Summary: Provision of musical activities for young people in Fife (2011)
Final report: Evaluation of the Lothian 12S Colleges and Universities Mental Health Pilot (MHF: 2010)
Final report: Public Attitudes to Broadcasting in Scotland (TNS: 2008)
Ruthless Research

Articles and publicity
Feature: Creative Words for Wellbeing project
Feature: Ruth on Ivy's Library Guest Book
Are you brave enough?: in Your Business with James Caan p48 (Blipfoto case study)
Case study: Turning an SME around (Blipfoto case study) MRS guide to research for small businesses
Journal article: The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a leadership programme for midwives (Evidence Based Midwifery: 2016)
Awards publicity: Ruthless Research has been shortlisted for the Charity Times Awards 2013 Consultancy of the Year
Guest Blog: The art of gathering stories - Ruthless Research contributes to the creative development of a play about the caring relationship, Couldn't Care Less by Strange Theatre
Article: Welcoming people with mental health problems into mainstream market research (International Journal of Market Research: 2011)
Article: Breaking down the barriers - how to make the arts more accessible for people with mental health problems (Arts Professional: 2011)
Awards publicity: Research excellence and effectiveness awards 2006